Effective recycling relies on efficient sorting. Recyclable materials are sorted and reclaimed from municipal solid waste (MSW) with Manual sorting, or sorting by hand, The waste materials spread thinly on a conveyor traveling past a series of workers.
A mobile system consisting of Conveyor belts , bins and containers forms a module for manual sorting ,easily transported by truck, ready to operate in any site.
This module can be combined with other mobile sorting equipment such as magnet separator for ferrous metals, Eddy current separator for nonferrous metals, air separator for light – heavy fraction separation.
The materials recovered:
- Plastic PET
- Plastic-HPDE
- Plastic – FILM
- Glass
- Metals
- Aluminum
- Tetra pack
- Wood
- Inert materials
Mobile Sorting and Picking Unit consists of a closed platform, based on the ground and properly transferred by triaxial semitrailer chassis with truck.
In the mobile Sorting Unit are recovered recyclable materials such as plastics (with further separation in PET, HDPE, FILM) glass, wood, paper, textiles etc.